Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"We Hold These Truths..."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident...life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." -Declaration of Independence

Tonight, I am glued to my TV.  No, it's not my usual Tuesday night reason (Glee), it's because tonight is election night.  Yes, I know that I am unusual in this, what 21 year old spends the night with MSNBC and CNN on?  Me.

Politics are important.  It is the exercise of our privilege as a citizens of the United States to be able to shape the social structure.  Really, if you think about it, this is what politics are about: the social power that shapes our common life together.  Who do we choose from among us to lead us?  Where do we see our values as a nation and whom can best help get us there?

To vote is to do what you can, it is engaging with a process where each one is given the opportunity to express "through the ballot box" what their values and hopes for the country are.  It is true that there is no guarantee that the outcome will be what you or I desire, but that speaks to the complexities involved in creating the society and world we seek.  You and I may "lose", but that does not mean we give up.  We continue to shape our communities and nation in our everyday lives.

To me, this is what our founding "mothers" and "fathers" envisioned when they left England.  The right to free exercise, yes, the right to life, to liberty, to the pursuit of happiness.  How is it that so many of us have taken this for granted?  Let me be the first to say that I am and have been a grumbler, I have been and often am partisan; but how is it that we have allowed ourselves the right to anger over what happens when we refuse to get involved?  If you have been or are unhappy with the state of our common life together in the U.S., I say join the club, I have been and am there too.  Yet today, I voted.  I feel strongly that we live a relational existence where what we do (and don't do) or say (and don't say) truly affects us all.  I wish more people felt this way.  Sitting out and complaining doesn't take active charge in changing your daily reality.  Participation isn't even a question for me, it's a given.

"Win" or "lose" is not really what happens.  We still live with the outcomes.  What does happen is that our country is changed.  The true concern is what we do with this fact.

This all matters to me (and on some level I hope it matters to you)  The future is literally created in our hands. Are we ready to accept that?  Today I took charge to change my country, will you join me?

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